Wednesday, June 26, 2013

"Increase in Learning" by Elder David A Bednar

Spiritual learning is activated by faith on the Lord Jesus Christ.  Essential to our spiritual learning is the principle of acting as agents and not being acted upon as objects.

Read, study, ponder, search, ask, knock, record thoughts and feelings, link, connect, revise, rethink, ask again, start again and most important, act.

Faith in Jesus Christ + Willingness to Act = Will invite the Holy Ghost to help you more fully understand basic gospel truths


Heavenly Father's plan is to enable us to learn.  Our moral agency through the atonement of Jesus Christ is divinely designed to facilitate our learning through our actions without being condemned by that experience.  (Bruce C. Hafen)

Teaching Children to Understand the Doctrine:

-Treat children as an agent, not an object.
-Ask questions to help the child act in the learning process for himself.
-Encourage them to see for themselves.
-Teach and nurture appropriately so the Holy Ghost can be the master teacher, confirming the truth in their heart.
-Only through spiritual understanding will they retain the truth and then apply it.

HOW WE LEARN: We learn through acting and not being acted upon.  By desiring to know, asking, seeking, knocking and being diligent, persistent "doers of the word" we are put in possession of the Holy Ghost.  By our faith, the Holy Ghost will give greater insights and knowledge.  (pg. 4 & 13)

As we hearken, we learn wisdom. We learn Line upon Line according to our Faith and Diligence.  The Law of the Harvest.

It is vital and essential that I constantly strive for the baptism of the Holy Ghost.  I must act in accordance to appropriately inviting the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost in all I do.  The Book of Mormon is the primary source in gaining help in learning how to invite the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost.   APPLY *Recognize impressions when they come to me AND recognize the influences or events that cause me to withdraw myself from the Holy Ghost.  Strive to always have the spirit with you.

We Must Act in Righteousness always to have the Holy Ghost:
Faith.  Diligence.  Heed. Virtue in thoughts, actions & language.  Meaningful Prayer.  Feast on the Words of Christ.  Exact Obedience.  Honor Covenants.  Humility.  Service.  Weekly Sacrament.  Worship at home, the Temple and church. Remember the Lord daily.  (pg. 44)

Fundamentally, all gospel teachings and activities are centered on coming unto Christ by receiving the Holy Ghost in our lives.

When the Holy Ghost is with me He fuels a great desire for constant learning and I can learn effectively through Him.  As I continue to learn, this knowledge will give me power to understand and apply truths I learn.

The Spirit of the Lord whispers peace and joy to my soul.  My whole desire will be to do good, bring forth righteousness and build up the kingdom of God.  (pg. 51)  The spirit of the Lord can be our guide and bless us with direction, instruction and spiritual protection.

Spiritual Gifts:   APPLY *It is vitally important to seek and increase in the gift of being "Quick to Observe."  It is an antecedent to and is linked with the spiritual gift of discernment.  Discernment is a light of protection and direction in a world that grows increasingly dark, having a clear sense of spiritual direction.  When we are quick to observe, we promptly look or notice and obey.  Pray for spiritual eyes to see those who have a need.  Notice impressions you may receive about someone and promptly respond to it and obey.  (pg. 55)

The gift of discernment operates in four major ways:
1.  It helps us detect hidden error and evil in others.
2.  It helps us detect hidden error and evil in ourselves.  It helps us discern things as they really are in us as well as others.
3.  It help us find and bring forth the good that may be concealed in others.
4.  It helps us find and bring forth the good that may be concealed in us.

Discernment also helps us distinguish the relevant from the irrelevant, the important from the unimportant, the necessary from that which is merely nice.  It is seeing with spiritual eyes and feeling with the heart.  It is hearing with spiritual ears and feeling with the heart.  "If all you know is what you see with your natural eyes and hear with your natural ears, then you will not know very much." -Boyd K. Packer  (pg. 60)


There is a hierarchy of importance about things we should learn.  Gospel truths are essential for us to understand and live if we are to become what our Heavenly Father yearns for us to become.

Knowledge: Facts, information, abilities obtained through experience of education.  Knowledge is the principle of salvation, given through the knowledge of Jesus Christ.  Without sufficient knowledge, one will be condemned.  Knowledge is necessary to life and godliness.  It is power of God unto salvation, Knowledge is revelation.  Knowledge does away with darkness, suspense, doubt... in knowledge there is power.  "Truth is knowledge of things as they are, and as they were and as they are to come."  D&C 93:24

A correct knowledge of the things of God is the vital cornerstone upon which the additional blessings of understanding and intelligence are built.

Understanding: It is commonly described in the scriptures in relation to the heart.  We must apply our hearts, in seeking for understanding.  Reason and "the arm of flesh" are not sufficient to engender true understanding.  When the Holy Ghost confirms in our hearts as true what we know in our minds, understanding occurs.  It is a process of revelation, producing an illumination, a comprehension, a perspective, and a depth of desire and commitment not obtainable through reason alone.  We experience a mighty change of heart as testimony and conviction move from our heads to our hearts.  It is a spiritual gift.

1.  Apply our hearts to understand what we have learned (Mosiah 12:27)
2.  Receive confirming revelations, feel the truthfulness of the words
3.  Gain understanding  (pg. 68)

In our families and in our homes we are most receptive to learning, revelation and the witnessing power of the Holy Ghost.

D&C 68:25-26  "Inasmuch as parents have children in Zion, or in any of her stakes which are organized, that teach them not to understand the doctrine of repentance, faith in Christ the Son of the living God, and of baptism and the gift of the Holy Ghost by the laying on of the hands, when eight years old, the sin be upon the heads of the parents."

APPLY  *We as parents must create a home that is a house of learning wherein the Holy Ghost can reside and teach.  (pg. 69) In such a home the Holy Ghost brings conviction to the heart and teaches both children and parents to understand.  Parents have important and vital roles to play as they

1. Create an appropriate spiritual environment and atmosphere in the home.
2.  Invite the spirit.
3.  Facilitate and assist the spiritual learning of children by explaining gospel truths, bearing pure testimony, asking and answering questions, and helping children to find answers to their questions and solutions to their challenges.

Parents should become guides who help young people learn how to find answers for themselves.  Youth need to act as agents and properly exercise their agency in order to obtain and retain strong testimonies and to become converted.

The role of a teacher is to invite a learner to act in accordance with the truth taught by the Savior.  We bring the message of truth unto the heart.  Ultimately a learner needs to exercise agency in righteousness and thereby invite the truth into the heart--and thereby seek to obtain the spiritual gift of understanding. (pg. 70)

Understanding is the keystone that is erected upon the cornerstone of knowledge and precedes intelligence.

The teacher is the Holy Ghost, and it is teaching by the witness of the Spirit that produce understanding.

Parents & Leaders should become guides who help young people learn how to find answers for themselves.  Youth need to act as agents and properly exercise their agency in order to obtain and retain strong testimonies and to become converted—instead of primarily depending spiritually depending upon someone else.


Intelligence is the righteous application of knowledge and understanding in action and judgment.  One consistently does the right things, is true to the gospel, is consistently working to apply the principles of the gospel in their life.  Intelligence is living in such a way that the doctrines of the church are active in us—an active and integral part of who we are, and what we are, and what we do, and what we think.  Pg. 75

It is the capstone that is constructed upon the cornerstone of knowledge and made stable by the keystone of understanding.  Intelligence is always linked to righteousness.

D&C 130:18-19  Knowledge is associated with diligence.  Through persistent, effective, diligent work a person can accumulate knowledge.  Intelligence, however, can only be gained through obedience.  Thus knowledge is a prerequisite to and foundation for true spiritual intelligence. (pg. 72)

D&C 88:188  Knowledge is obtained through diligent study.  Intelligence is gained through faithful obedience.

We are to use our moral agency to obtain and act in accordance with truth.  Ultimately, the Savior in interested not just in what we know, but in spiritual intelligence—how we apply what we know for righteous purposes.   Pg. 73

Faith: act and thus receive power from the Holy Ghost

“But he that doeth truth cometh to the light…”  John 3:19-21
“Therefore, if ye do these things blessed are ye…”  3 Nephi 27:20-22

WHAT MAKES THE LDS CHURCH A LIVING CHURCH:  It is a living Savior, the gift of the Holy Ghost and the attendant spiritual blessings and gifts, and the authority and power of the priesthood that make His Church both true and living.

Appropriately seeking for knowledge, understanding and intelligence is essential for each of us to become a living member of the Savior’s Church.

PATTERN:  Gain Knowledge + Receive Understanding through the Holy Ghost = leads to Righteous Action & Intelligence

Know what we need to know, Live as we know we should live, 
Become what the Master would have us become.

Simple and ordinary experiences in family life often provide the most important learning opportunities we ever have.

*One of the principle purposes of our mortal existence is to be spiritually changed and transformed through the Atonement of Jesus Christ.  “Come unto Christ and be perfected in Him.”  Moroni 10:32  The essence of the gospel of Jesus Christ entails a fundamental and permanent change in our very nature made possible through our reliance upon the Holy Messiah.  As we choose to follow the Master, we choose to be changed—to be spiritually reborn. Pg. 80  We Come Unto Christ through sacred covenants.

Process of being born again:
Exercise Faith
Be baptized
Walk with a newness of Life:
Continually immerse ourselves in the truth and light of the gospel
Fidelity & Honor covenants
Constancy of commitment
Offer our whole soul unto God
Feast upon the words of Christ
Pray unto the Father with all energy of Heart
Serve God with all our heart, might, mind and strength

YIELD OUR HEARTS UNTO GOD, fast and pray oft, wax in humility, firm in the faith = filling their souls with joy and consolation, purifying and sanctification of their hearts.  Helaman 3:35

Repentance = a turning of the heart and will to God and a renunciation of sin.

We become sanctified as we yield our hearts unto God.  Helaman 3:35
The mighty change of heart  “to have no more the disposition to do evil, but to do good continually” is the consequence of a fundamental change in our desires, our motives, and our natures made possible through the Atonement of Christ the Lord.  Our spiritual purpose is to overcome both sin and the desire to sin.  Pg. 89

Dual Requirements:
1.     Avoid and overcome Bad – put off the natural man and overcome sin and evil influences in our lives through the Savior’s atonement.  (Clean Hands)
2.     Do good and become Better – by receiving the strengthening power of the Atonement our hearts are purified.  (Pure Heart)

*The Power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ provides both a cleansing and redeeming power that helps us to overcome sin and a sanctifying and strengthening power that helps us to become better than we ever could be relying only upon our own strength.  The infinite Atonement is for both the sinner and for the saint in each of us. pg 90

APPLY  *SPIRITUAL EARLY WARNING SYSTEM. (pg 94) This will help parents in Zion to be watchful and discerning concerning their children.  
       1.  Read and talk about the Book of Mormon with your children.  
       2.  Be vigilant  and spiritually attentive to bear testimony of gospel truth spontaneously with your children and also eager to listen intently to them.
       3.  Invite children to be gospel learners by acting in accordance to correct principles and not merely by being acted upon.  Have them learn by doing and by faith.  

Parents who do these things faithfully will be blessed to recognize early signals of spiritual growth in or challenges with their children and be better prepared to receive inspiration to strengthen and help those children through the conversations that are shared, the questions the child asks, the observations a child shares, etc.

 Questions to Ponder:  
Am I helping my children become agents who act and seek learning by study and by faith?
Am I consistently helping them to act, to learn for themselves and to stand steadfast and immovable?
Am I helping my children become anxiously engaged in asking, seeking and knocking?

Our children must be diligent, study and act to obtain personal knowledge.  Only in this way can our children be prepared spiritually for the challenges of mortality.


Tuesday, June 4, 2013

"Visions of Glory" as told to John Pontius

Overall Theme:  To be able to progress on our personal journey we must learn to trust God and sacrifice our worldly possessions in obedience to God's will for us.  (pg. 24)


"I could understand limitless amounts of knowledge and focus upon an infinite number of matters, giving each my absolute attention." (pg 7)


We will see all the good we do, all the love we give, the service and kindness--but also all of the sorrow and pain we cause.  We will see all of the mistakes we make and how they affect everyone.  Some mistakes not only affect one person, but their children and their children, on and on.  I saw every act ripple through time until its power was dissipated. (pg. 10)


Relationships are not just serendipitous happenings or coincidences.  All of these events happen for divine purposes.  God truly blesses the details of our lives.  These interactions and relationships, which might seem random in the moment, are ordained to bless and perfect our lives.  All things and relationships have a divine impact.

Ask: Where is the divine purpose of this moment, this event, this relationship or this person coming into my life?  What am I to learn from these interactions, from this person's entry or exit on the stage of my experience?
Pray that God will reveal these things to you and that HE will guide you to bless these people.  "Let me be your voice, let me be your hands, let me be knowingly involved so that I can be inspired to do thy work in their lives."  (pg 16)


God really does count every moment of our lives, and if we let Him guide us, those moments become eternally significant.  Everything we do matters--nothing is just trivial.  It is all profoundly significant, and life is meaningful and full of purpose.  Everything we do is of eternal worth.  (pg 17)

There truly is a return and report system.  Get used to doing this in our daily and family prayers and in our relationships, that we practice returning and reporting.  "This is what you asked me to do today, this is what I did, and this is what happened"--and then plead for eternal intervention in the details. (pg 18)

God's hand is directing our lives and His voice is constantly directing us.


Once you are born your spirit takes the shape of the body it is born into and honors that shape because it was given to you by God.  Even though they can change shape or appearance if God desires it, they always return to their natural shape, which is the shape of their former bodies.  Evil spirits can change their shape to morph into some other shape if they desire.  Spirits who have never been mortal have no definite spiritual shape.   They can choose their shape, just as Satan did in the Garden of Eden by appearing in the shape of a snake.  They can appear any way they choose to help them deceive or to fulfill their assignments. (pg 23)

Evil spirits try to create fear, confusion and distress... anything that keeps the mortal from hearing the messages from the angels of light who are there also.  They speak to afflict mortals and laugh and mock them and delight in their pain and fear.  They are evil beyond any definition of evil I had understood before. (pg 23)

Some spirits who have died hang around the earth refusing to move on into their next part of their own journey because they have never learned to trust God and sacrifice their worldly possessions in obedience to God's will for them.  (pg 24)


As departed spirits, their first responsibility is to family and to serve as ministering angels.  To heal, teach, minister to, protect and preserve the family connections and covenantal relationships in the spirit realm and in the mortal world.  Teaching the gospel to past generations in the world of departed spirits come from righteous souls who acquired it during their lives.  You must acquire the gospel here on earth before you can be a missionary and minister to those who departed before you who, for whatever reason, did not embrace the gospel during their mortal lives.  Some of the earlier generations have been waiting a long time for a descendant of theirs to embrace the gospel of Jesus Christ and are excited for us to receive the gospel ordinances and authority so when we return we can teach them and bring gospel blessings to them on that side of the veil.  Every ordinance we attempt to bestow here has a corresponding ordinance on that side of the veil... it is almost a mirror image there of everything we do here.  (pg 27)

Most blessings given to mortals also come from their righteous dead.  When we pray for a great blessing, need or healing, Jesus Christ sends our righteous progenitors as ministering angels to deliver the blessing.  If we have no righteous forebearers, then the blessings must be attended to by other righteous workers of whom there is a short supply.  Angels first work with their own families and then go on to bless others. They are busy working to establish relationships and to protect and bless them. (pg 27)


In the body we are handicapped by spiritual blindness and moral weakness, and blinded by the screaming demands of the flesh.  "I was full of questions, uncertainty, pride, corruption, self will and desires for evil.  This disparity was all a result of the Fall of man and that I had to overcome those things by obedience to Christ's gospel and laws."  (pg 29)

There is a distinct preparation for my body.  I thought "I" was my body, and I was growing through my experiences.  I learned that "I" am my spirit self, who already has a godly nature, (my spirit is eternal, intelligent, perceptive and powerful, I was pure, complete and knowledgeable) and rather than overcoming my body, as in beating it into submission, my struggles were engineered to elevate my body to the stature of my spirit.  (pg 30)


Life is so much more intricate than we can imagine.  God has provided a complex and inspired system to exalt us.  A big part of it is to give us the opportunity to be in a body, a body that desires almost everything contrary to God's plan.  Jesus Christ exposes us via the Holy Spirit to all that is true, speaking to our spirit every time we must choose between good and evil.  Then when we sin, we can repent and obey His laws to let the Atonement work for us.  All of this process is designed by God to bring our spirit with our body into compliance with the laws of God and to return body and soul, inseparably connected, back to the presence of God to be judged--to report back.  (pg 32)


Our spirits came to this earth in an almost godlike state.  It was my body that was the slave of mortality, desiring things which were contrary to God's plan for me.  We are cut off from God because of the Fall, thereby being forced to learn to listen to the voice of Christ and to overcome our body's mortal pull.  In the same process, we are also learning to perfect it, to teach it perfect obedience to the will of Christ, and in so doing, to overcome the world--and the Fall.  (pg. 33)

A tremendous impediment to our growth is that we seldom see other humans as they are--potential gods.  We do not see the worth of every soul.  We are all gods in infancy. (pg 34)


"We need to learn to see ourself as God sees us and know ourself as God knows us--not the other way around.  He already knows all about us."  (pg 40)


Angels are always present--both good and evil.  By my behavior, mood or thoughts I am in control of who is in the room with me.  Feeling negative feelings or emotions and being overpowered by them is because you are dealing with dark spirits who overwhelm you when you give them permission by your emotions.  I am in control.  When I am positive and loving, I invite divine beings into my life who uplift me and those around me.

Our agency is honored so much that we have to invite the intervention of angels around us.  The good angels are subject to Gods command and limited or empowered by our faith. (pg 41)


It is through suffering that mortals learn compassion and endurance and faithfulness--but there has to also be a great willingness to suffer, to be purified and uplifted in this way.  (pg 52)

You don't have to be an Apostle or a prophet for the Lord to refine you and purify you into your greatest self.  (pg 56)



The Fall isn't just about Adam and Eve, it is even more about mankind and how powerfully the Fall darkened all of our senses.  We lost our memory, not only of God, but even more sadly of ourselves.  We don't understand our own worth.  We are spiritually disabled in every possible way. (pg 61)


We each experience trials and cruel experiences, but if we come unto Christ and let Him heal us, then we can reach out and bring others to Christ for their own healing.  It is a gift to do so, but we must pass through our own sorrows so that we can serve Christ in His name.  (pg 64)


When Christ speaks to a mortal it is so weighty with meaning that mere words cannot convey the fulness of the truths given.  The message is layered.  First are the words He speaks, and then there is a vastly larger body of truth you receive spiritually, layer upon layer, more truth than you can understand for years afterward.  This is the reason the scriptures are so powerful, because they contain the words spoken by Christ, and this layered truth is still there, spiritually interwoven with those words.  It takes a lifetime of spiritual growth and obedience to be able to receive the deeper layers.  They contain the great mysteries and greater truths He desires that we acquire and enjoy in our lifetime.  (pg 65)



"You need to learn to be content with what the Lord has allotted you."

Quit plotting a course for your life and just trust the Lord to bring you to those things your faith is telling you you will do.  We need to quit fighting against the process that the Lord has engineered to bring us where we need to be.  Stop insisting on arriving on your own terms and pathway.

We were prepared from before the foundation of the earth for our life's mission.  Keep our thinking aright, align our feet with the true path of our life.  Keep our expectations bright!



"Only individuals like you, who have been willing to undergo similar pain and abuses as these people have, will they ever listen to and trust.  You must continue to drink of this bitter cup and not become bitter yourself.  This will give you the experience and knowledge you need so that when you are called to work with these people, they will trust you and recognize in you that you are a fellow sufferer and refugee from persecution.  These sufferings and your personal triumph over them will be written on your very soul and into the sinews of your body and they will recognize it and trust you.  They will see that you also belong to the "Fellowship of the Suffering of Christ.""


The pointed end was emerald green.  The shank was blood red.  The handle was vivid blue.

Red/Sacrifice:  The condescension and Atonement of Christ, but also a willingness to likewise sacrifice as Christ has, to be prepared for this mission.  Sacrifice your will, earthly possessions, health if called upon or even their lives if need be, to follow the path God ordained to prepare that person with charity, faith, doctrinal purity, sound understanding, and, most of all, perfect obedience to God's will.  This is the course Christ had submitted Himself to.  This lesser suffering we go through is to prepare an individual for their specific mission.  This is the reason the angel called it "The Fellowship of the Suffering of Christ."

Blue/Royal Bloodline:  The Latter-day Priesthood.  Blue represented: 1. The receipt and righteous magnification of the present priesthood.  2. The receipt of the "fulness" of that same priesthood when worthiness and the timetable of God called it forth.  3.  A foreordination to this very mission to release these people.  Only that specifically ordained officer of the priesthood could manipulate the key.  The handle is how it is gripped and operated.

Emerald Green:  Renewal and recreation of life.  It signifies the full outcome of the red and blue, sacrifice and priesthood, which as described in the Oath and Covenant of the Priesthood, brings about a renewal of the body.

Every latter-day builder of Zion will obtain for their specific mission a key like represented here.  They will go through the same process of sacrifice, priesthood, renewal.  We receive the key in the ordained way, by becoming a member of the "Fellowship of the Suffering of Christ" and by doing it freely, willingly, even joyfully.

It is a personal journey of great consequence.  Only with all three of these elements can we claim the blessings and the honor of serving in any great cause.  When we do this, we are serving Jesus Christ directly and doing the Father's work of preparing the world for the end of time and the return of Christ. (pg 86)

All of ones life has been engaged in this process of preparing one to meet the qualifications and attributes of one who will be handed a key to a portion of the latter-day work of building Zion.  In this mighty work we will free people from their self-imposed prisons, whether real or figurative, and bring them to Zion.  It is a process of acquiring personal purity and sanctification that qualifies the recipient to serve in this great work.  We should seek to complete our qualifications and finish the work the Lord shows us to do.

Don't give up because these things need to be sealed into your heart and mind.  These are the things you promised God you would do--so don't give up.  Have courage to go forward and strive to accomplish these things.  We have to pay the price to prepare and qualify for what we will do.


Everything praises God and loves God.  It communicates by its spirit and everything knew, reverenced and respected him.  Everything was pleased with its existence and was content to be what it was.



When the man started doing something bad, eight spirits entered the room.  Four were spirits who had been mortal, who had addictions that followed them into the spirit world.  Their addiction was unending, painful and impossible to satisfy.  It haunted them.  They were desperate to try to satisfy it endlessly.  They wanted to experience his passion.  The four spirits of Satan's minions only wanted to trap him and to entice him on.  They only wanted to control him and keep him "under their spell" as long as possible.  They focused on keeping him focused on his own body and his own thrills so effectively that he could not feel his relationship to Christ, the Holy Spirit or remember his family.  All he could think of was himself and the guaranteed gratification that was just a click away.

Addictions are purely selfish.  They guarantee the instant gratification of the flesh.  Relationships are not guaranteed, and the gratification, the positive payback of the relationship, must be carefully maintained and worked at.  This is the reason that people turn to addictions, because they are instant, require little work, and the results are guaranteed.  It is also the reason evil uses them and promotes them so carefully, because addictions push the user away from all meaningful relationships, especially those with the divine. (pg 105)

The disembodied spirits couldn't get rid of their addictions because they did not turn to Jesus Christ, who could have healed them even after their mortal lives ended.  Without His grace they couldn't satisfy the powerful need of the addiction.

The light the man possessed dimmed as he sat there.  Satan's minions had great glee in the fact that he was breaking his covenants, that he was a good man.  Their triumph was greater, their conquest sweeter and their control over him was more precious due to the fact he had covenanted to avoid such things.  They delighted in the pain this would cause his wife and family and they relished the opportunity to eventually afflict his wife with all the dark emotions she would feel that would separate her from the Holy Spirit.

These spirits offered him a sense of false relationship, giving him the sense of being fulfilled and satisfied by this experience.  He was beginning to accept these unseen visitors as his companions, and he was starting to enjoy having them, welcoming their influence in helping him to decide to partake once again in his secret world of filth. (pg. 107)


The evil spirits wanted to spiritually destroy their targets so that they could obtain permanent control over them and cared nothing for the experience of the mortals.  The disembodied delighted in the physical sensations of the mortals but had no desire to dominate, only to prolong the experience.  Having a mortal yield to the evil spirits temptations gave them power over the mortal.  They were over dominion of the soul and eventually, lifelong control.  They knew that if they could tempt with enough cleverness and deception that the human responded--they would gain a little more control.  This was their method, but their real goal was to gain enough control that they could keep the Holy Spirit from having any influence in the person's life at all.  They weren't just trying to control their behavior; they were trying to ensnare these people in the chains of hell.

People who had already been entrapped by the evil spirits could hardly hear their own thoughts.  The voice of the evil ones had become even more powerful than their own mind.  They would do anything their evil controllers said even while thinking it was their own idea or their own wishes they were fulfilling.  Once these evil spirit had total control, they then desired that the mortal should quickly depart mortality, so that their possession became permanent.  They therefore urged them to risky behavior, acts of violence and even suicide to hasten the day of their mortal death. (pg. 109)


This still created a distraction by urging the people involved to high passions, desires and fears, with soaring highs and crushing defeats, keeping them far removed from the Holy Spirit of God.

A thought of God, a prayer, a request, an intention to do good, an act of regret or kindness brought good angels.  They could then surround the person, protecting them from the evil ones for as long as that attitude persisted. (pg 110)  Then the angels would encourage them to leave and do what was right.  Then it was up to the mortal to act.  If they followed the prompting, the minions of Satan moved on to someone else and light began to grow brighter around the person.  They had a chance to think clearly and to escape.


Movies, TV, amusement parks, casinos, sporting events, music, parties, hanging out with friends...These are all of the ways that people unknowingly move themselves away from the Spirit of the Lord.  These people weren't doing something evil, but they were so involved in the entertainment that they weren't listening to the Holy Spirit, which was what the evil spirit labored so hard to accomplish in others, yet these were willingly isolating themselves.

People were obsessed with eating, not eating, dieting, acting, dancing or performing, fashion or beauty, sports, dating, shool--they were just too focused upon these things that the voice of the Holy Spirit was pushed far away.

Mortal life is only a dim reality.  The angels live in an eternal realm, which is the brightest and truest reality.  Mortal life will end; their lives will not.  They know how incredibly important this little time of mortality is, and because they love us and are in the service of their God, they labor to get our attention and to lead us into a life that will end in glory.  (pg 112)


We choose good gifts when we obey the Holy Spirit.  These are gifts of love, joy, peace, faith, healings, prophecy, and many other gifts.  When we repeatedly choose obedience to what is good, we create a spiritual link with Jesus Christ.  He changes us into His spiritual likeness, and we grow brighter and brighter in this process until we become children of light, and we receive our wages from our Savior.

We can also do the opposite by obeying temptations of evil spirits which couples us to darkness and Satan.

There are many people who are governed by the voice of Jesus Christ, who are like lanterns being carried through darkness.  They push the darkness away by their approach, and the dark angels must depart.  Evil beings are powerless to penetrate it and are compelled to depart.  (The same is true of people who are ruled by evil, in the opposite way.)


The "chains of hell" are when a person is in so much darkness they can no longer even hear the still, small voice of the angels.  They can no longer tell the difference between good and evil.  The only "good" they acknowledge is whatever brings them the fastest satisfaction of their lusts and addictions and no price seems to high.


There are angels of light who are assigned to us.  They are real.  They have direct access to Christ's guidance and are anxiously engaged in our lives.  They remain with us throughout our lives unless we choose darkness by our thoughts, acts or words.  Their ability to direct, influence, and guide us is completely controlled by our choices.

There are also more powerful angels of light who bless us in times of need.  They deliver the blessings Jesus Christ desires us to have. (pg 113)  We invite them to help us by rejecting temptation and by calling upon the name of God and doing what is right with a mind single to the glory of God.

Our relationships began long ago before we were born, before the creation.  We have loved one another a long time and have served one another in unending ways.

Everything God does is according to law and according to agency.  God does not gift us with things we have not qualified for in some way.  This is also true of angels.  Some angels have greater abilities because of their greater diligence and because of greater righteousness while they were mortals.  

These spiritual gifts and strengths become the heritage of our grandchildren, because when they choose the light, we are there waiting anxiously to pour out the gifts we ourselves obtained in mortality.

Darkness infests mortality through evil "angels" and light is amplified in our lives through obedience to God and the ministry of angels of light.




They knew they had dominion over the earth.  They prayerfully and gently molded things in to the shape they desired.  They would ask it to yield to their stewardship and cooperate.  It was a terrestrial use of God's creative power, the same power He used to form the earth and the heavens.  They were asking in faith for God to allow them to step into that creative role and change something that already existed. pg. 223

The point in the beginning was to bring us to flawless obedience, perfect trust and spiritual purity.  Once accomplished, the purpose of everything we received was to enable us to serve God, and to beautify and enrich our lives.  pg 225


Millenial souls were assigned to this earth to do there work.  They bore and reaised children and labored to change the entire world into Zion.  These were the people of the promise, those who had "inherited the earth" those whose children "grew up without sin unto salvation."  When they reached the age of a tree they were resurrected and their labors on earth came to an end, but extended to the vastness of God's creation.  The earth ceased to be their home and a place was ready for them in the presence of God.

Translated people did not have children and they were not earth bound.  Their labors were for a specific purpose, the building of Zion and establishment of the Kingdom of God.  Sometimes their work included other places, even other plantes and other people.  When there ministry was accomplished they prayed to God and ended their translated ministry.  They were instantly resurrected and joined with all other such beings in the service of God.  To be translated was a greater gift than any other course in and through mortality.  Their joy was greater, and because of their long service to God, their rewards were the greatest a mortal may enjoy.  pg 227


These times were the culmination of all of the promises that had been given since the beginning of time.  Every gift of God was made manifest before us and was used every day.  The earth was changing back in to the Garden of Eden.  The most profound and beautiful changes occurred in mankind.  We have more capacity than any human mind can imagine.  Everyone was perfect in body and attribute.  Only purity, power, beauty and tremendous wisdom remained.  The people of Zion listened only to the voice of the Lord.  There was not dissenting or angry word, no selfishness, laziness, greed or self-promotion.  No arrogance, false pride or superiority.  We were all remade into the image of our God, equal in our worth, beauty and refinements. pg 229

THE 144,000

These were the elect of God gathered in, translated and gained the seer stones.  It was the result of a lifetime of spiritual evolution.  These people knew by the power of God what they needed to do.  They were sent on assignments to help bring people to Zion.  Everything depended upon agency and our diligence in learning how to use our gifts.  We grow as our agency and inspiration guide us until we truly come to a "measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ." pg 232  Every day was a Sabbath to use, and we communed with God and renewed our covenants with every breath we took.  We served without end and we rejoiced in it.

Ones experience can be hampered by their lack of faith.  pg 236

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

"The Time-Starved Family" by DeAnne Flynn


A mother does not need to plan her child's whole social life.  Parents put their children on a scheduled treadmill that just keeps turning up the speed...  This handicaps the kids for the future.  Our kids expect to be entertained, and they don't need to be self-starters so they don't.


Focus on what I can control.  I have the reigns on our family schedule and activities.  Much of the stress we have is self-imposed.  Accept the fact that parenting was never meant to be easy.

Am I teaching my kids LIFE skills?


CHOOSE to thrive and not just survive.  Thriving is far less about circumstances and situations and more about attitude and outlook.


"Seek ye first the Kingdom of God."
Family Dinners, Prayer, Scripture Study, FHE
Ask, "Will this matter at the judgement day?"

Imagine the Savior asking:
Did you use your time on earth wisely?
How was your attitude in the face of your trials?
Did you keep my commandments?
Whom did you serve?

When too much of our focus, our energy, our time and our means are going to the many branches of life instead of our spiritual roots, our efforts could actually cause the antithesis of our eternal goals--an overabundance and preoccupation with things and activities can rob us of the very spiritual vitality, peace and joy we are seeking to achieve in our lives and families.  -R Scott Strong

When we keep our goals and vision eternal it becomes much easier not to get overly distracted by earthly things.


You can't do it all... and do it all well.
You can do it all... just not all at the same time.

The world says run faster.  The spirit says slow down.
When I want to start a new activity ask myself, "What do I want to give or gain by undertaking this activity or passion?"

Daily Rituals:
1.  Nourish my spirit
2.  Think positive thoughts--be grounded in gratitude
3.  Nourish my marriage--take time for my spouse every day


"As caring parents, we naturally desire triumphant, positive experiences for our family members.  We want them to feel competent, confident and well rounded--and it's usually because of these worthy desire that we start to become over scheduled in the first place.  However, we need to be very careful that our quest for world achievement and success doesn't overshadow the things that matter most in our lives."

"We cannot buy priceless time spent together or the memories we make together."

In reality, a healthy self-image comes from competence and looking outward--not from awards or recognition.  

Competition is a fact of life, it is inevitable.  But we don't have to contend with the Jone's family or selfishly battle for earthly position, prestige, prominence or power.  The real "winning" families are those who keep their eyes on the prize--and that's being together forever.


Make wise choices.  Choose with care.

"If I were to tell you that your earth life would end exactly three months from today, what would you change about your current schedule?"
Ask yourself,
"What does Heavenly Father expect of me?  What will be the thing of most worth to me?"

Do we have time for family scripture study, family home evening, dinner together, quite time to pray & ponder and relax together?

"For behold, this life is the time for men to prepare to meet God."  Alma 34:32

Our end goal is to meet God and have eternal life... so what do we need to do at the beginning to achieve that goal?  We need to wisely use the 24 hrs we have been given each day to prove ourselves.

How to Prioritize:
Sit down with a piece of paper and a pencil.  Use your calendar and your scriptures.  Take some time to prayerfully analyze your goals.  Then analyze your current schedule.  Are they in harmony with each other?  What can be put on hold or possibly even eliminated from your life to simplify and improve your daily routine?

Be a parent, not a push-over.

Remember that no one is perfect, so don't expect your family to be.

Find Balance like a Fruit Tree
Pruning the branches is prioritizing--cutting the unnecessary so the truly essential can emerge.
Essential: absolutely necessary; indispensable; vital.

Be soft enough to listen to your heart, and strong enough to follow it.

"Mothers who know do less.  They permit less of what will not bear good fruit eternally.  They allow less media in their homes, less distraction, less activity that draws their children away from their home.  Mothers who know are willing to live om less and consume less of the world's goods in order to spend more time with their children--more time eating together, working together, reading together, talking, laughing, singing and exemplifying.  These mothers choose carefully and do not try to choose it all.  Their goal is to prepare a rising generation of children who will take the gospel of Jesus Christ into the entire world.  Their goal is to prepare future fathers and mothers who will be builders of the Lord's kingdom for the next 50 years.  That is influence, that is power."  Jule B. Beck


"True self-esteem in not an independent commodity we can obtain.  It occurs as a by-product, a natural consequence of living with a different kind of esteem: esteem for others.  As odd as it sounds in a society obsessed with nourishment of the self, our feelings of self-esteem, self-worth, self-respect, grow only as quickly, deeply and securely as does our esteem for those around us.  It is founded upon a love of God and a knowledge of God's love for us--a double gift bestowed upon those who serve their fellow beings.  Only self-worth based upon God's knowledge of who we are and what we can become is perfect and unfailing.  Perhaps we should stop arranging experiences in the spotlight for our children and start arranging time to make a difference in someone else's life, with the kids along!"  -Cheri Loveless

In other words, by teaching our kids to look outward instead of inward, we can help them begin their own journey toward developing genuine esteem for others.



We can help children best by: Leading, Loving and Listening, instead of controlling, pushing and hovering.  "Our parental privilege is to love them, to lead them and to let them go."  Russell M. Nelson
Show our children we love them even when they fall short of OUR hopes and dreams for them.  ALWAYS provide unconditional love and SUPPORT and help them come to their own conclusions on things.
Gods way of parenting:  Teach correct principles and let them govern themselves.

Have my home be a place to relax, a place of comfort and a place of peace.  


Work is a blessing and a privilege.  Have the kids have outside jobs by 14 yrs old.
Work builds character, skill, endurance and togetherness in families.

"It's unwise to do for your children what they can do for themselves."The more opportunities you give your kids to work, the more skills and abilities they develop and the more self-reliant and confident they'll become.

-Teach them how to do the job
-Praise their contribution, attitude and effort
-Clearly define what you expect of them
-Point out the "why", the benefits
-Don't overload them, it shouldn't be stressful and full of pressure
- Maximize Motivation  (provide rewards, IF you...)(Saturday morning job lists kids pick a list when they wake up)
-Be Consistent, stick to your guns
*Don't let them get away with a poor job or lack of follow through.  It only teaches them that getting out of work is much easier than doing it.

Teach them how to:  cook, clean, do laundry, shop, budget, save, tithing


"One of the most important things we can teach our children is to deny themselves.  Instant gratification makes weak people."  Joe J. Christensen

Teach them while they are young, that we don't get everything we want in life!
Have the kids work and earn what they get.
Find ways to serve others together.
Focus on the gifts we already have--GRATITUDE.   Have a gratitude journal.
Downplay materialism--seek for things of a better world.  Things don't satisfy.
Say no to unimportant things so you can say yes to important things.

Shift from the Spotlight to Selfless Service:
Have the children ask themselves "How is the world a better place because I am in it?"  Journal daily contributions they make to help others.
It is better to serve than be served.  It brings JOY!

Take Service Vacations - Service Birthday Parties - Service during the Holidays

Blessings of Family Dinner
-Promotes positive communication
-Eat healthier
-Children increase academics and language skills
-Fosters healthy child development

Have kids do kitchen duty for a week.
Have a set time to eat between 5-5:30.
Share "highs & lows" of the day. 
Share what good they did through the day.
Have a special plate for birthdays, or to give tribute for a job well done or special occasions.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

"Siblings Without Rivalry" by Adele Faber


Our relationships with our siblings can have a powerful impact upon our early lives, producing intense feelings, positive or negative, that these same feelings can persist into our adult relationships with our brothers and sisters, and finally that these feelings can even be passed on to the next generation.

These early experiences with siblings could determine how we act or think or feel about ourselves today.

Siblings can powerfully affect each other's destiny.

Instead of worrying about the kids becoming friends, think about how to equip them with the attitudes and skills they'll need for all their caring relationships:  Help them learn how to listen to each other, how to respect the differences between them and how to find the ways to resolve those differences having rational discussions.  These skills will help them build bridges to span the separate islands of their identities.

Assignment:  Observe what stirs things up between the kids.  Don't let the discord go to waste.  Write down the incidents or conversations that distress you.


The very emotions that we want to close the doors on and lock out, need to be invited in, made welcome, and treated with respect.  If we forbid the expression of that rage, the danger is that it will go underground and reappear in other forms, either as physical symptoms or emotional problems.

It is common practice to deal with another person's "unreasonable" emotions with denial, logic, advice or reassurance.  What they really need is to be acknowledged and know that we really understand how they feel.  How comforting it is to have someone who will LISTEN to our negative feelings.   We permit them to express all their feelings but we don't permit them to hurt each other.  Our job is to help them express their anger in creative outlets, without doing damage.  (Through words, writing or drawing, etc.)

The best way to help a child climb to a higher run on the ladder of civilized discourse is to model the behavior we want.  If we are going to insist that children find alternatives to hitting and name calling, then we, ourselves, have to find alternatives.
  • Examples of how to acknowledge their feelings 
            1.  Use words that identify the feeling:  "You sound furious!"
            2.  Describe what he wishes:  "You wish he'd ask before using your things."
            3.  With a symbolic or creative activity:  "How would you feel about making a 'Private                    
                  Property' sign and hanging in on your closet door?"


"Never compare yourself to others.  You'll become either vain or bitter."

Whatever you want to tell a child can be said directly, without any reference to a sibling.  The key word is describe.  Describe what you see, how you feel, what needs to be done.  The important thing is to stick with the issue of this one child's behavior.  Nothing a sibling does has anything to do with them.  

It is a good idea to save enthusiastic comments for just the ear of the deserving child.   This will cultivate more respect for others and more confidence in oneself.

  • Bad Example:  That's disgusting!  Even the baby doesn't make a mess like that.
  • Good Example:  There's a little milk dripping down the front of your shirt.  Let's get a napkin and wipe it up.
  • Bad Example:  I wish your brother had your study habits.  He can't concentrate for more than a minute.
  • Good example:  You've been going over that vocabulary list for the last half hour!  
You can't keep siblings from comparing themselves if they want to.  That's there business.  What's important is that they know that Mom and Dad see them as separate individuals and are not interested in comparing their grades.


It is futile to ever try to make things equal.  The children will never get enough and as a mother, I can never give enough.  Give uniquely to each child's legitimate needs.  Your understanding and acceptance of the other child's disappointment will help them to deal with life's inequities.

"To be loved equally is somehow to be loved less.  To be loved UNIQUELY--for one's own special self--is to be loved as much as we need to be loved."

Seek out the specialness of each child and reflect the wonder of it back to them.  By valuing and being partial to each child's individuality, we make sure that each of our children feel like a number one child.  And the parents find a new and liberating way to be fair.

  • Instead of giving equal amounts (You have the same amount of grapes as your sister), 
  • Give according to individual need (How many grapes do you want?).
  • Instead of showing equal love (I love you all the same), 
  • Show the child he or she is loved uniquely (You are the only 'you' in the whole wide world  No one could ever take your place).
  • Instead of giving equal time (After I've spent 10 min. with your sister I'll spend 10 min. with you), 
  • Give time according to need (We are planning your sisters birthday party.  When we are done I want to hear what's important to you).


We need to prepare our children for life outside the family.  And life demands that we assume many roles.  We need to know how to care for and be cared for; hot be leaders and followers; how to be serious and a little 'wild'; how to live with disorder and how to create order.

A child's role in the family comes primarily from three sources--parents, the other siblings and the child himself.  To get our children out of unfavorable roles, treat our children the way we hope they will become.  Have expectations and demand that they behave accordingly.  Let no one lock a child in to a role.

No child should be allowed to corner the market on any area of human endeavor.  We want to make it clear to each of our children that the joys of scholarship, dance, drama, poetry, sport are for everyone and not reserved for those who have a special aptitude.  There is no limit to what a child can become.

Each person needs to be accepted as they are, and each are capable of growth and change.  Believe in each other, support each other like a team.  Because that is what being a family is all about.

Bring to light what is positive about each child and positive about themselves as a family.  Seeing any one child in a negative role ultimately harms the relationships between all the children.

Ch. 6  WHEN KIDS FIGHT: How to Intervene Helpfully

First examine how you usually react when the children fight.

Normal bickering:
1.  Ignore it.
2.  Tell yourself the children are having an important experience in conflict resolution.

Situation Heating up:
1.  Acknowledge the children's anger towards each other.  That lone should help calm them.
"You two sound mad at each other."
2.  Listen to each child's side with respect and reflect their point of view.
"So Trevor, you want to... because...  And you Tage feel you are entitled to a turn too..."
3.  Describe the problem with respect.  Show appreciation for the difficulty of the problem.
"That's a tough one: two children and only one toy."
4.  Express faith in their ability to work out a mutually agreeable solution.
"I have confidence that you two can work out a solution that's fair to each of you..."
5.  Leave the room.

When fighting is heading towards hurting:
1.  Describe what is going on.
2.  Establish limits.
3.  Separate them.

Children should have the freedom to resolve their own differences.  Children are also entitled to adult intervention when necessary.  If one child is being abused by the other, either physically or verbally, we've got to step in.  We intervene to open the blocked channels of communication so that they can go back to dealing with each other, we don't settle their argument or make judgement.

Be aware that some of the problems between brothers and sisters don't  'blow over.'  They persist and become a major source of stress and concern to the children.

Helping Children Resolve a Difficult Conflict:
1.  Call a meeting of the concerned parties and explain the purpose of the meeting.
"There is a situation in this family that's causing unhappiness.  We need to see what can be worked out to help everyone feel better."
2.  Explain ground rules to everyone.
"We are calling this meeting because something is bothering __________.  First we will be hearing from __________, with no interruptions.  When she is finished we want to hear how you see things, and no one will interrupt you.
3.  Write down each child's feelings and concerns.  Read them aloud to both children to be sure you've understood them correctly.
4.  Allow each child time for rebuttal.
5.  Invite everyone to suggest as many solutions as possible.  Write down all ideas without evaluating.  Let the kids go first.
6.  Decide upon the solutions you can all live with.
7.  Follow-up
"We'll meet again next Sunday to see if we're satisfied with the way things are going."

What eases the tension, what makes harmony possible is the attitude of "Who needs what?" ... "Who feels what?"  ... What solutions can be worked out that take everyone's feelings and needs into account?

How to encourage sharing:
1.  Put the children in charge of the sharing.
"Kids, I bought one bottle of bubble soap for everyone.  What's the best way to share it?"
2.  Point out the advantages of sharing.
"If you give her half of your red crayon, and she gives you half of her blue crayon, you'll both be able to make purple."
3.  Allow time for inner process.
"Lexi will let you know when she's ready to share."
4. Show appreciation for sharing when it occurs spontaneously.
"Thank you for giving me a bit of your cookie."


Understanding someone else allows us to forgive them so swiftly.  Everyone needs understanding and love... not praise.

"Imagine a world in which brothers and sisters grow up in homes where hurting isn't allowed; where children are taught to express their anger at each other sanely and safely; where each child is valued as an individual, not in relations to the others; where cooperation, rather than competition is the norm; where no one is trapped in a role; where children have daily experience and guidance in resolving their differences."

Let us determine to resolve the grievances that separate us, reach out to each other and discover the love  and strength that one sibling can give to another.