Wednesday, June 26, 2013

"Increase in Learning" by Elder David A Bednar

Spiritual learning is activated by faith on the Lord Jesus Christ.  Essential to our spiritual learning is the principle of acting as agents and not being acted upon as objects.

Read, study, ponder, search, ask, knock, record thoughts and feelings, link, connect, revise, rethink, ask again, start again and most important, act.

Faith in Jesus Christ + Willingness to Act = Will invite the Holy Ghost to help you more fully understand basic gospel truths


Heavenly Father's plan is to enable us to learn.  Our moral agency through the atonement of Jesus Christ is divinely designed to facilitate our learning through our actions without being condemned by that experience.  (Bruce C. Hafen)

Teaching Children to Understand the Doctrine:

-Treat children as an agent, not an object.
-Ask questions to help the child act in the learning process for himself.
-Encourage them to see for themselves.
-Teach and nurture appropriately so the Holy Ghost can be the master teacher, confirming the truth in their heart.
-Only through spiritual understanding will they retain the truth and then apply it.

HOW WE LEARN: We learn through acting and not being acted upon.  By desiring to know, asking, seeking, knocking and being diligent, persistent "doers of the word" we are put in possession of the Holy Ghost.  By our faith, the Holy Ghost will give greater insights and knowledge.  (pg. 4 & 13)

As we hearken, we learn wisdom. We learn Line upon Line according to our Faith and Diligence.  The Law of the Harvest.

It is vital and essential that I constantly strive for the baptism of the Holy Ghost.  I must act in accordance to appropriately inviting the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost in all I do.  The Book of Mormon is the primary source in gaining help in learning how to invite the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost.   APPLY *Recognize impressions when they come to me AND recognize the influences or events that cause me to withdraw myself from the Holy Ghost.  Strive to always have the spirit with you.

We Must Act in Righteousness always to have the Holy Ghost:
Faith.  Diligence.  Heed. Virtue in thoughts, actions & language.  Meaningful Prayer.  Feast on the Words of Christ.  Exact Obedience.  Honor Covenants.  Humility.  Service.  Weekly Sacrament.  Worship at home, the Temple and church. Remember the Lord daily.  (pg. 44)

Fundamentally, all gospel teachings and activities are centered on coming unto Christ by receiving the Holy Ghost in our lives.

When the Holy Ghost is with me He fuels a great desire for constant learning and I can learn effectively through Him.  As I continue to learn, this knowledge will give me power to understand and apply truths I learn.

The Spirit of the Lord whispers peace and joy to my soul.  My whole desire will be to do good, bring forth righteousness and build up the kingdom of God.  (pg. 51)  The spirit of the Lord can be our guide and bless us with direction, instruction and spiritual protection.

Spiritual Gifts:   APPLY *It is vitally important to seek and increase in the gift of being "Quick to Observe."  It is an antecedent to and is linked with the spiritual gift of discernment.  Discernment is a light of protection and direction in a world that grows increasingly dark, having a clear sense of spiritual direction.  When we are quick to observe, we promptly look or notice and obey.  Pray for spiritual eyes to see those who have a need.  Notice impressions you may receive about someone and promptly respond to it and obey.  (pg. 55)

The gift of discernment operates in four major ways:
1.  It helps us detect hidden error and evil in others.
2.  It helps us detect hidden error and evil in ourselves.  It helps us discern things as they really are in us as well as others.
3.  It help us find and bring forth the good that may be concealed in others.
4.  It helps us find and bring forth the good that may be concealed in us.

Discernment also helps us distinguish the relevant from the irrelevant, the important from the unimportant, the necessary from that which is merely nice.  It is seeing with spiritual eyes and feeling with the heart.  It is hearing with spiritual ears and feeling with the heart.  "If all you know is what you see with your natural eyes and hear with your natural ears, then you will not know very much." -Boyd K. Packer  (pg. 60)


There is a hierarchy of importance about things we should learn.  Gospel truths are essential for us to understand and live if we are to become what our Heavenly Father yearns for us to become.

Knowledge: Facts, information, abilities obtained through experience of education.  Knowledge is the principle of salvation, given through the knowledge of Jesus Christ.  Without sufficient knowledge, one will be condemned.  Knowledge is necessary to life and godliness.  It is power of God unto salvation, Knowledge is revelation.  Knowledge does away with darkness, suspense, doubt... in knowledge there is power.  "Truth is knowledge of things as they are, and as they were and as they are to come."  D&C 93:24

A correct knowledge of the things of God is the vital cornerstone upon which the additional blessings of understanding and intelligence are built.

Understanding: It is commonly described in the scriptures in relation to the heart.  We must apply our hearts, in seeking for understanding.  Reason and "the arm of flesh" are not sufficient to engender true understanding.  When the Holy Ghost confirms in our hearts as true what we know in our minds, understanding occurs.  It is a process of revelation, producing an illumination, a comprehension, a perspective, and a depth of desire and commitment not obtainable through reason alone.  We experience a mighty change of heart as testimony and conviction move from our heads to our hearts.  It is a spiritual gift.

1.  Apply our hearts to understand what we have learned (Mosiah 12:27)
2.  Receive confirming revelations, feel the truthfulness of the words
3.  Gain understanding  (pg. 68)

In our families and in our homes we are most receptive to learning, revelation and the witnessing power of the Holy Ghost.

D&C 68:25-26  "Inasmuch as parents have children in Zion, or in any of her stakes which are organized, that teach them not to understand the doctrine of repentance, faith in Christ the Son of the living God, and of baptism and the gift of the Holy Ghost by the laying on of the hands, when eight years old, the sin be upon the heads of the parents."

APPLY  *We as parents must create a home that is a house of learning wherein the Holy Ghost can reside and teach.  (pg. 69) In such a home the Holy Ghost brings conviction to the heart and teaches both children and parents to understand.  Parents have important and vital roles to play as they

1. Create an appropriate spiritual environment and atmosphere in the home.
2.  Invite the spirit.
3.  Facilitate and assist the spiritual learning of children by explaining gospel truths, bearing pure testimony, asking and answering questions, and helping children to find answers to their questions and solutions to their challenges.

Parents should become guides who help young people learn how to find answers for themselves.  Youth need to act as agents and properly exercise their agency in order to obtain and retain strong testimonies and to become converted.

The role of a teacher is to invite a learner to act in accordance with the truth taught by the Savior.  We bring the message of truth unto the heart.  Ultimately a learner needs to exercise agency in righteousness and thereby invite the truth into the heart--and thereby seek to obtain the spiritual gift of understanding. (pg. 70)

Understanding is the keystone that is erected upon the cornerstone of knowledge and precedes intelligence.

The teacher is the Holy Ghost, and it is teaching by the witness of the Spirit that produce understanding.

Parents & Leaders should become guides who help young people learn how to find answers for themselves.  Youth need to act as agents and properly exercise their agency in order to obtain and retain strong testimonies and to become converted—instead of primarily depending spiritually depending upon someone else.


Intelligence is the righteous application of knowledge and understanding in action and judgment.  One consistently does the right things, is true to the gospel, is consistently working to apply the principles of the gospel in their life.  Intelligence is living in such a way that the doctrines of the church are active in us—an active and integral part of who we are, and what we are, and what we do, and what we think.  Pg. 75

It is the capstone that is constructed upon the cornerstone of knowledge and made stable by the keystone of understanding.  Intelligence is always linked to righteousness.

D&C 130:18-19  Knowledge is associated with diligence.  Through persistent, effective, diligent work a person can accumulate knowledge.  Intelligence, however, can only be gained through obedience.  Thus knowledge is a prerequisite to and foundation for true spiritual intelligence. (pg. 72)

D&C 88:188  Knowledge is obtained through diligent study.  Intelligence is gained through faithful obedience.

We are to use our moral agency to obtain and act in accordance with truth.  Ultimately, the Savior in interested not just in what we know, but in spiritual intelligence—how we apply what we know for righteous purposes.   Pg. 73

Faith: act and thus receive power from the Holy Ghost

“But he that doeth truth cometh to the light…”  John 3:19-21
“Therefore, if ye do these things blessed are ye…”  3 Nephi 27:20-22

WHAT MAKES THE LDS CHURCH A LIVING CHURCH:  It is a living Savior, the gift of the Holy Ghost and the attendant spiritual blessings and gifts, and the authority and power of the priesthood that make His Church both true and living.

Appropriately seeking for knowledge, understanding and intelligence is essential for each of us to become a living member of the Savior’s Church.

PATTERN:  Gain Knowledge + Receive Understanding through the Holy Ghost = leads to Righteous Action & Intelligence

Know what we need to know, Live as we know we should live, 
Become what the Master would have us become.

Simple and ordinary experiences in family life often provide the most important learning opportunities we ever have.

*One of the principle purposes of our mortal existence is to be spiritually changed and transformed through the Atonement of Jesus Christ.  “Come unto Christ and be perfected in Him.”  Moroni 10:32  The essence of the gospel of Jesus Christ entails a fundamental and permanent change in our very nature made possible through our reliance upon the Holy Messiah.  As we choose to follow the Master, we choose to be changed—to be spiritually reborn. Pg. 80  We Come Unto Christ through sacred covenants.

Process of being born again:
Exercise Faith
Be baptized
Walk with a newness of Life:
Continually immerse ourselves in the truth and light of the gospel
Fidelity & Honor covenants
Constancy of commitment
Offer our whole soul unto God
Feast upon the words of Christ
Pray unto the Father with all energy of Heart
Serve God with all our heart, might, mind and strength

YIELD OUR HEARTS UNTO GOD, fast and pray oft, wax in humility, firm in the faith = filling their souls with joy and consolation, purifying and sanctification of their hearts.  Helaman 3:35

Repentance = a turning of the heart and will to God and a renunciation of sin.

We become sanctified as we yield our hearts unto God.  Helaman 3:35
The mighty change of heart  “to have no more the disposition to do evil, but to do good continually” is the consequence of a fundamental change in our desires, our motives, and our natures made possible through the Atonement of Christ the Lord.  Our spiritual purpose is to overcome both sin and the desire to sin.  Pg. 89

Dual Requirements:
1.     Avoid and overcome Bad – put off the natural man and overcome sin and evil influences in our lives through the Savior’s atonement.  (Clean Hands)
2.     Do good and become Better – by receiving the strengthening power of the Atonement our hearts are purified.  (Pure Heart)

*The Power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ provides both a cleansing and redeeming power that helps us to overcome sin and a sanctifying and strengthening power that helps us to become better than we ever could be relying only upon our own strength.  The infinite Atonement is for both the sinner and for the saint in each of us. pg 90

APPLY  *SPIRITUAL EARLY WARNING SYSTEM. (pg 94) This will help parents in Zion to be watchful and discerning concerning their children.  
       1.  Read and talk about the Book of Mormon with your children.  
       2.  Be vigilant  and spiritually attentive to bear testimony of gospel truth spontaneously with your children and also eager to listen intently to them.
       3.  Invite children to be gospel learners by acting in accordance to correct principles and not merely by being acted upon.  Have them learn by doing and by faith.  

Parents who do these things faithfully will be blessed to recognize early signals of spiritual growth in or challenges with their children and be better prepared to receive inspiration to strengthen and help those children through the conversations that are shared, the questions the child asks, the observations a child shares, etc.

 Questions to Ponder:  
Am I helping my children become agents who act and seek learning by study and by faith?
Am I consistently helping them to act, to learn for themselves and to stand steadfast and immovable?
Am I helping my children become anxiously engaged in asking, seeking and knocking?

Our children must be diligent, study and act to obtain personal knowledge.  Only in this way can our children be prepared spiritually for the challenges of mortality.


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